Here you can find a general overview of the ESP modules. For further information about contents and syllabus, plase contact us.
Course: Intercultural Communication 1
Recommended for: Professionals from a broad spectrum of areas of expertise.
Objectives: To raise awareness about cultural differences and the role these differences play in communication between people from different cultures.
Description: To learn about the intricate relationships between culture, language and communication.
Content: Cross-cultural differences and clashes, language and culture, culture and communication, non-verbal communication, cultural dimensions.

Professional Communication in English 1Recommended for:
Professionals in different fields of activities
To learn how to communicate orally with people of the same profession outside the strict professional context
Description: Socializing
- Oral communication: Greeting people, introducing other people and yourself, talking about yourself and your job/ your company, describing people, basic conversation in social activities (meals, parties or trips)
- Grammatical structures related to these specific communicative functions
Course: Intercultural Communication 2
Recommended for: Professionals from a broad spectrum of areas of expertise.
Objectives: To learn about potential difficulties in communication across cultures in various contexts such as business, socialising and working abroad.
Content: Barriers to Intercultural Communication, Culture shock, avoiding conflict, cross-cultural role plays, tips for interpreting (and avoiding misinterpreting!) unfamiliar behaviour and communication in different professional and social contexts.

Professional Communication in English 2Recommended for:
Professionals in different fields of activities
To learn the language used in telephoning and written correspondence
Learning how to speak on the phone about professional matters and to write letters, mails or faxes in the same context.
- Oral communication: Answering the phone, making a call to ask for information, give information, solve any problem related to your professional context.
- Written communication: Writing correspondence to make an enquiry, reply to an enquiry, make or deal with a complain, place an order.
- Grammatical structures related to these specific communicative functions .

Professional Communication in English 3Recommended for:
Professionals in different fields of activities
To learn how to preapre and deliver a presentation in English and to take part in a meeting.
The language of oral presentations and meetings in English
- Oral presentations:Introducing yourself and the topic, signposting organization, summarizing, concluding, visual aids, body language, handling questions.
- Oral communication:The language of taking part in a meeting and chairing a meeting: Checking understanding, clarifying points, querying information, pointing out discrepancies, summarising, concluding.
- Written communication: notification, agenda and minutes of a meeting
- Grammatical structures related to these specific communicative functions

Information and Communication Technologies 1Recommended for:
Teachers and professionals interested in integrating web 2.0 technologies in their professional field
To get familiar with the vocabulary and structures used in the web through an introduction to the main web 2.0 tools, especially social networks and personal/professional/teaching blogs.
Learning the options of web 2.0 technologies and creating a personal blog
- Overview of the main web 2.0 tools
- Personal/Professional/Teaching blogs

Information and Communication Technologies 2Recommended for:
Teachers and professionals interested in creating their own web-based exrecises and activities
To get familiar with the vocabulary and structures used in the web through the use of the programme Hot Potatoes which will enable you to create interactive web-based exercises.
Learning to create different types of exercises for the web and preparing your personal file. You don't need to have knowledge about programming. The application will do everything for you.
- Jumbled-sentence exercises
- Matching and ordering exercises

EnotourismRecommended for:
Enologists, vine growers, tourism professionals and all those interested in the world of wine.
To become familiar with the specific vocabulary and expressions used in the world of wine and apply the acquired knowledge to the participants’ professional field
A general overview to the world of wine.
- Producing wine: the vineyard and the cellar
- Buying and selling wine: marketing and promotion
- Drinking wines: wine and the senses. Tasting and describing wine
- Wine and tourism: wine routes, history and culture

Tourism and cateringRecommended for:
Tourism and catering professionals and all those interested in the world of travelling.
To become familiar with the specific vocabulary and expressions used in the world of travelling, especially hotels and restaurants, and apply the acquired knowledge to the participants’ professional field
A practical approach to the world of travelling.
- Travel agencies: IT and the travel industry
- Types of tourism: new types of tourism
- Transportation: information, booking
- Accommodation: Inside a hotel: organization, facilities, booking.
- Restaurants: Inside a restaurant: organization, customers, the menu.

Medical English 1Recommended for:
Doctors, sanitary professional and all those interested in health care.
To become familiar with the specific vocabulary and expressions used in the world of medicine and health care and apply the acquired knowledge to the participants’ professional field
A practical approach to the world of medicine and health care.
- Taking a history 1: Asking basic questions, case history
- Taking a history 2: Symtoms
- Using a pharmacology reference

Medical English 2Recommended for:
Doctors, sanitary professional and all those interested in health care.
To become familiar with the specific vocabulary and expressions used in the world of medicine and health care and apply the acquired knowledge to the participants’ professional field
A practical approach to the world of medicine and health care.
- Investigations: medical documents, articles

Navigation:SailingRecommended for:
All those interested in the art of sailing.
To become familiar with the specific vocabulary and expressions used in the world of navigation and sailing and apply the acquired knowledge to the participants’ needs.
Click on the boat for animation.
A practical approach to the world of sailing
- Safety requirements
- Parts of the sail boat
- Standing rigging and running rigging
- How to raise and lower sails
- Points of sailing
- How to properly tack and jibe
- The visual clues for wind direction
- Basic right of way
- Basic knot tying
- How to heave to